We Train to Fight at the Kickboxing Underground

  • You are performing real Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Boxing, and MMA techniques.
  • You are fighting the bag (your opponent), not merely using it as an exercise apparatus. When the bag is an opponent, it changes the workout dynamic.
  • The strikes, techniques, combinations we use are authentic. We’re not using some watered-down b.s. like rapid-fire little one-two’s that have no power and would never fly in a real fight.
  • This isn’t cardio kickboxing. What we’re doing is practical, and that means that when you have to respond to a violent confrontation, your entire preparation has been centered on real combat, not cardio fluff.
  • You and your client are developing fight habits and disciplines every session.
  • The 3 habits we emphasize are: (1) “Never take your eyes off your opponent”(2) “Fight time is fight time”, and (3) “Be hyper vigilant for your opponent’s counter attack”. We train like this 100% of the time. That way our fight habits are true habits, and our disciplines are true disciplines. They are non-negotiables in our training.
  • You train with respect for the punching range. You must never be comfortable in the punching range. Your opponent can hurt you without moving his body. This is dangerous territory with little time to regroup if you get caught. (You say, “My client doesn’t care about that. She just wants a good workout.” My answer: She will care. When you train her properly, she will care. And so will you if you train properly.)
  • We train without respect to rules. The groin is sometimes a target for a kick. The eyes are not off limits. We can do all and must be cognizant that our opponent can also do all. We must always be alert for takedown attempts! And anything else our opponent can do.
  • And one rule we remind our trainees of: “You are sometimes too tired to attack; however, you never have the luxury of being too tired to defend. That is not your choice. It is your opponent’s.” So we develop a tight guard and a plan for “oh shit!” moments.
  • These and many other basics of fighting are what you will teach your trainees. Teach what you know. And when you’re not teaching, be a student. Always be studying the fight game so you can improve your techniques, your strategies, and your teaching.

Change the way you train your clients

I urge you to read the whole site so you’ll know what you’re getting into. But when you’re ready to join, you’re in the right place!

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